
The Key To Crack the Civil Services Exam

UPSC Civil Services Examination is considered one of the toughest exams in the world. Still, each year about one million students register for it. The dream to be a bureaucrat surpasses the fear of difficulty and throat-cut competition. The difficulty level is indeed hard but not many people know the hidden key to success.

UPSC Syllabus: The Hidden Key to LBSNAA

The UPSC syllabus is a detailed document that outlines all the essential subjects, topics and sub-topics and other relevant information of a particular course or paper. It is considered a hidden key to cracking the UPSC examination. Hence, it is crucial to decode the syllabus to get the desired result.

An Overview of the Syllabus: A Guide to Decoding It

If UPSC is the crossword then the Syllabus is the clue to it. The syllabus must be decoded and a micro detailing must be carried out to know its essence, coverage, and dimensions. To propel forward in the quest to become a bureaucrat, the syllabus makes it clear about focus points, things to dodge, and the references to be made.

  • Take a frequent glance at the syllabus and keep it with you while studying. It will help you have clarity while studying
    • For example, if you are reading any newspaper, you can refer to the syllabus and find out if the particular article is relevant per UPSC or not.
  • Additionally, aspirants should break up each topic into subtopics or themes and refer to the best resources for each topic.
    • By having a comprehensive micro-detailed syllabus, aspirants are able to steer the vast UPSC syllabus with ease.
  • Similarly, exploring question papers from previous years can provide a better understanding of the syllabus, since questions around particular topics indicate the favourite themes or part of the UPSC.

Understanding The Syllabus

The UPSC has divided the whole examination process into 3 major steps: The Preliminary Exam, The Main Examination & The Personality Test a.k.a. Interview. And for each of these steps, has prescribed a different and unique syllabus. Let us take a glance at it.

Step 1: The Preliminary Exam is the first step where candidates are assessed for their general awareness, critical thinking and logical abilities and is reflected through the exam pattern and the syllabus.

  • The objective-type questions and their level of difficulty eliminates a major chunk of the candidates.
  • A candidate must look into the syllabus to carefully devise a strategy, and clarity over the concepts and revise them consistently. So, making the syllabus your best friend is essential for this stage.

Step 2: The Mains is even more challenging. Here, you will be assessed for perspective, conceptual and contextual clarity, coherency and brevity. All in all, they want to know how can you present yourself in brief and how effective is the articulation.

  • Here, the Syllabus becomes a guiding light, a blueprint for you that would give you the right direction.
  • Each and everything is to be planned as per the syllabus and understand the hidden meaning underneath. Here, your micro detailed syllabus comes in handy.

Step 3: Last but not least, regarding the Personality Test, you must go through the syllabus booklet and see what UPSC assesses in a candidate and prepare accordingly.

  • With all the skill-set it has asked for in the syllabus, try to nurture them. Be prepared with all the knowledge that you need to acquire and all the key areas to focus on.

Micro-detailing of Prelims, Mains, and Current issues makes the task a little less tedious for the candidates. This micro syllabus allows the student to gain a comprehensive understanding of questions, difficulties, grounds, scope, and shortcomings. Through this method, the candidates can put an order and strategise their preparation and comprehend the UPSC Prelims and Mains syllabus more clearly.

We at GS SCORE, aim at covering all the tough milestones ourselves to give the students a push to just study and imbibe the churned essentials. For UPSC 2023, we have come up with all the micro details of each and every subject and topic of the syllabus specially crafted in keeping focus to help candidates meet the UPSC standards.

Go through the syllabus page on our website and ace 2023!

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