
How to write an email in French

It is an excellent way to communicate with French companies via email. This email can be used for communication with customers, suppliers, and other businesses. It can be used to send attachments or set up meetings.

This post will show you how to create an email in French. It also includes some examples that will help you along the way. naasongs

How to Write a Formal Email in French

1. Use the appropriate greeting

When writing in French, it is important to use the correct greeting for any email. If you know the greetings, you can use “Madame” or “Monsieur” as your preferred greetings. However, you may also use “Mesdames”, “Messieurs,” and then add the last name of the person. Sincere politeness is important.

You can use this method if you don’t know the gender or name of the receiver (le destinataire).

  • Mesdames, Messieurs,
  • Madame, Monsieur,

Madame or Monsieur are acceptable if you only know the gender, but not the name.

Even if the recipient’s name is not known, Madame or Monsieur are appropriate.

If you are in a formal relationship with someone whose title you know you can use:

  • Madame la directrice,
  • Monsieur le President,

However, if you are in a formal relationship with someone whose name is known, you can use the following:

  • Monsieur Untel,
  • Madame Dupont

2. Introduce yourself

It is essential to introduce yourself when writing an email in French. Begin with a simple hello and your name. A bit more information about the reason you are sending the email can be added. You might write to a friend and say “Je suis tombe sur your adresse email et ça te contacter.” Or, if you’re writing to a business, “Je suis interesse por votre produit/service” or something similar.

Your email should be clear and concise. Your reason for writing is explained after the greeting.

3. Stay 100% formal

It is important to write a French email that is 100% formal. Instead of saying “Bonjour”, you might say “Bonjour monsieur/Madame.” When addressing someone, it is important to use proper titles. You might say “Monsieur Le President” instead. Avoid abbreviations and slang terms.

4. How to write “enclosed” in the Attachment

To indicate that an attachment file is attached to your email, use the word “enclosed”.

Example: Veuillez trouver le document demande en piece: Please find the requested document as asked

5. Select the right object

It is important to use the correct object when writing French emails. The object is the person, thing or entity to whom you are addressing your email. You can use the generic object “vous” if you aren’t sure who the email is to. If you are certain of the person, you can use “vous” to identify them.

Take, for example:

  • Demande de renseignements: Information request
  • Location appartement: Apartment rental

6. Closing

There are several ways to close an email in French. You can send a friend or family member a “bisous” (kisses), or “a bientot (see you soon) email. You can write to business associates using “salutations”, “cordialement” or “best regards”. You can also use “au revoir”, which is the standard way to say goodbye.

For an example: Je vous prie d’agreer, Madame, Monsieur, l’expression de mes salutations distinguees.

7. Re-read your email

It’s important that you go back over your email after you have written it. Check that you have correctly spelled all French words and that your grammar is correct. Make sure to read the email again to ensure it flows smoothly and makes sense. Send it once you are satisfied with the email. healthtips

8. Useful phrases

These are some phrases that you can use to make your French email more interesting

  • Merci de votre aide = Thanks for your help
  • J’espere que vous allez bien = Hope you are doing well
  • Je suis désole pour le retard = Sorry for the delay
  • Veuillez trouver ci-joint mon CV = Please find attached my resume

9. Sign up

It is essential to include a signature when sending emails in French. This will allow the recipient to identify who sent the email, and it will also ensure that the recipient is being considered as a priority. Simply add the words “Signature” and your name to create a signature. If you’re writing an email to colleagues, you might write “Signature: Michael.”

The following information is mandatory and should be included in your signature:

  • First name/fullname
  • Title/Position
  • Legal status of the company
  • Full address of company
  • If you have a company website,
  • The email address and phone number of the sender


It can be difficult to write an email in French. These guidelines will help you produce professional-looking emails using French.

AmazingTalker is the best place to learn French email writing. AmazingTalker offers personalized courses online which will teach you the basics of email writing in a relaxed and fun environment. You can also learn how to express yourself in French, improve your grammar skills and international business etiquette. This is an excellent opportunity to learn English with tutors from AmazingTalker. It will allow you to have fun and improve your language skills. You will learn how to quickly and easily write French email with their customized courses and tutor online.

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