Which are the seafood exporting countries?
The demand of seafood is keeping on rising. And many countries supply the food. The fish supply in countries are high because the people over their love to have seafood. After the proven benefits of seafood have discovered then the supply is higher.
If you wanted to know that what are the seafood import and export then you will able to know that how much these countries are having income from it.
1) China
China is considered the largest country to export the fishes because this seafood was one of the favorite dishes all over the world. They are the ones who developed the seafood trend the number of seafood dishes that are well known in China is no comparison to any other country. it is because of their high production and people in the fish market it is a large business which exports allowed amount of the fish to all over the world and their trades are so high which is the one of their source of basic economy in the world.
2) The USA
America is well known for its export business it ranks 4th for the largest export business of fish all over the world it
Trades of exporting seafood is 5 billion dollars which are considered a good amount for the economy of the country in 2014 their sales were not that high but the recent years, they are moving towards more and more export of the seafood they are advance in their techniques to catch on the large scale fishers. Not only this, they are also doing once in the technique of farming fish like tuna and Salmon
3) India
According to the estimated expert of India for seafood, they are exporting 4 billion USD dollars. Among which the prawns and shrimp are rated highest. India’s export of seafood is advanced because of the scales they are selling their prawns and shrimps all over the world including many different countries or Asia and the USA their production of shrimps is shown the best.
4) Sweden
It is the largest country for the export of the fish it ranks as the 8th largest country in Europe for selling the fish in the world their economy is best known for its seafood selling because of the sea in the East and West regions of the country. The product which is sold is salmon and codfishes.
5) Canada
They are generated a great amount of the fishes like Salmon, crabs, and shrimp Their economic rate for their year export is 4.2 billion dollars USD. The rate of their sea fish in the fish market is the highest. Their fish industry is well developed.
6) The Netherlands
Their annual sale for the fish expert is 3.9 billion dollars and one of the most important points is the export to the country like Spain, Italy, and France.
I hope that this article will help you discover that which country is at the top for the seafood demand.